Public Transport Policy and Schemes
Assisting our clients with the design, monitoring and evaluation of passenger transport services to better meet the needs of local residents whilst demonstrating value for money.
Key services we provide in this area are:
- Passenger transport reviews and gap analyses
- Assistance in implementing new passenger transport services / schemes
- Funding bid development on behalf of County, Unitary, District and Borough Councils
- Marketing of passenger transport services
- Transport user surveys (e.g. patronage, customer satisfaction, etc.)
Recent projects include:
Countywide Transport Review
- Commissioned by an East Midlands local authority to review the county's social care, special educational needs and health transport provision
- Sought to identify potential areas of transport cost savings
- Almost 50 cost saving options identified, SWOT analysed and risk assessed
- Options ranked in terms of deliverability
Options for Coordination and Integration of Passenger Transport Services
- Reviewing current transport arrangements at Nottinghamshire County Council to identify potential areas for delivering efficiency savings
- Undertaking a desk-based review of good practice in the delivery of efficiency saving measures in comparable authority areas
- Costing the likely savings levels and highlighting the risks associated with realising the savings in practice
Kickstart Review
- Carrying out a major review and appraisal of the Kickstart and Bus Route Development Grant Schemes on behalf of the Department for Transport and the Scottish Executive
- Conducting interviews with major stakeholders including over 60 interviews with local authority and bus operator representatives throughout England and Scotland
- DfT and the Scottish Executive used the results to determine the future case for, and content of, further Kickstart and BRDG initiatives